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2022-02-19 10:39:11

阅读6 the newcomer 当我读到这个标题我真的以为主题是人类的邻居,然而当我读下去,原来是以动物园为背景,描写一群没有生机的动物迎来了一位能识字读报的猴子而展开的。the animals in the zoo are boring,bear eat sweet sugar threw by the children,panther count numbers to go through the day,  lion imagine the old days , lion is so poetic and artistic. they have nothing to do ,the only thing is to wait for the next day ,day after day .until one day the monkey was sent to the zoo,they are neibour  now.monkey wrote a letter to his mother,in the letter he said ,they would be sent to another bie city center zoo,in there,the animals will be set free,they will not be shut in a cage or sth,and the moving plan is written on the newspaper.and the monkey read it to them.they were so cheerful.  but i doubt it.what a beautiful story,in that case,the human is so great to do that.
