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2022-02-21 10:17:54

sense of smell  perfume

when i heard the word perfume, the first novel came across my mind was 闻香识女人,but what we talk about is the topic "which materials can give us smells." many centuries ago,people noticed that some smoke rising from their fires smelled sweet and pungent.until then ,there was scent,of course,in flowers and even in trees,but it could not be controled in any way.a flower that smelled sweetly at dusk or after the rain,for instance, no longer did so after dark.women began to perfume themselves very early on,and the egyptians used scent very lavishly.the great breakthrough in perfumery came when the scientist avicenna,who discovered that the aroma frome plants and flowers could be preserved by distillation----and rose water was born.nowadays people like exotic,rather heavy scents with oriental undertones for evenings and for everyday use.
