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[打卡]阅读打卡第27天 - The life-changing magic of tidying up

2021-10-21 10:53:49

Progress: pg. 101



  • ·      Wear something that you enjoy --> what you wear in the house DOES impact your self-image. Wear something elegant as your nightwear. --> Precisely coz no one is there to see you, you should wear something that you enjoy to reinforce a positive self-image
  • ·      Folding saves far more space than hanging
  • ·      Fold clothes into rectangles, and store them standing up à like spines of books on a bookshelf à so you can find your item right away when opening your drawer
  • ·      Hang your coats, suits, jackets, skirts and dresses
  • ·      Organize your closet:

o   1) hang your clothes by category

o   2) heavy to the left, light to the right, forming a rising line à coats, dresses, jackets, pants, skirts, then blouses

  • ·      “Never, ever tie up your stockings. Never, ever ball up your socks”

o   Stockings: lay foot on top of the other, fold it in half or 1 third, roll up into a sushi roll, store in a cardboard / shoe box, then place the box in the storage drawer

o   Socks: lay 1 on top of the other, fold once, twice, or 3 times to the height of the storage drawer, store them on edge, just like your clothing

  • ·      Abandon the custom of switching clothes during summer and winter seasons, keep them ready to wear all year round, regardless of the season

o   Do not over-categorize, divide them roughly into “cotton-like” & “wool-like” materials

o   Store clothes in drawers instead of plastic storage units with lid covers à you will forget about them, also clothes shut out for half a year will look wilted & stifled


  • ·      Put all books on the floor à moving the books, and handle each one in your hand will bring the books out of hibernation & help you decide whether to keep them or not
  • ·      If too many books, divide them into categories:

o   General (books your read for pleasure)

o   Practical (references, cookbooks, etc.)

o   Visual (photograph collections, etc.)

o   Magazines

  • ·      Only keep the book that will bring you pleasure when you touch it --> Do NOT read the books, reading will cloud your judgment
  • ·      Discard the unread books or the books that you will read “sometimes” / “when you have time” --> you don’t need it, chances are you will never read them
  • ·      “Timing is everything. The moment you first encounter a particular book is the right time to read it.”
  • ·      The author recommends “keep your collection small” (e.g. 30 books), this will be difficult, as one of my personal goals is to accumulate a collection of books that I read, and build a small personal library


  • ·      Rule of thumb: discard everything
  • ·      Organize your papers into only 3 categories

o   Needs attention

o   Should be saved (contractual documents)

o   Should be saved (others)

  • ·      limit to 1 corner of your room, never spread to the rest of the room

·          Seminars

o   The value of seminars lies in the seminar itself, put your learning into practice. Discard all seminar materials --> or convert it to the electronic version.


其实学习/阅读也好,都是坐下来翻开书的那一刻最难。坐下来之后过程是享受的。读完以后内心平静,而且很有成就感~至少今晚的时间没有浪费掉 :)


上班加油呀,然后拜托把 simulation 的资料复习一下。

