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2022-03-20 17:32:58


JUST SPELL THE NAME CORRECTLY P. T. Barnum, the great circus impresario, was once accosted* by a woman who showed him a scurrilous* manuscript about himself, and said that unless he paid her, she would have the book printed. Barnum rejected the extortion attempt. “Say what you please,” he replied, “but make sure that you mention me in some way. Then come to me and I will estimate the value of your services as a publicity agent.” Barnum obviously felt that adverse criticism was an asset for a public figure. A man who seeks the limelight should not care what is written about him but should be concerned only when they stop writing about him. Barnum’s philosophy suggests that we might do well to review the plethora* of publicity given to rabble-rousers and bigots.

遭到extortion 竟然不惧

随便publish it 只要spell the right name

真是高招 即使有adverse remark 只要seek the limelight让那些rabble rousers 和bigot  Do whatever they want
