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[打卡]阅读打卡第48天 (Jan 29, 2022) - Atomic Habits

2022-01-30 07:05:45

Progress: Complete.

Quotes & Summary & Reflections:

·        The upside of habits: with each repetition you develops fluency, speed, and skill --> becomes automatic, frees up more mental space for more advanced details / effortful thinking

·        The downside of habits:

o   When it becomes automatic, can become less sensitive to feedback --> mindless repetition (you can do it “good enough”, you stop thinking about doing it better)

o   You merely reinforcing your current habits & not improving them (in fact, there is a slight decline in performance over time)

·        Habits are necessary, but not sufficient for mastery --> need a combination of automatic habits & deliberate practice

o   Habits + Deliberate Practice = Mastery

o   After 1 habit is mastered, return to the effortful part of the work & begin building the next habit

·        Mastery: need to progressively layer improvements on top of one another, each habit building upon the last until a new level of performance has been reached & a higher range of skills have been internalized --> This is an endless cycle!

·        Reflection and review --> ensures that you spend your time on the right things & make course corrections whenever necessary

·        2 primary modes of reflection & review:

o   1) Annual Review:

§  Tally your habits (e.g. how many days you read in the past year, how many workouts, how many new places you visited)

§  Reflect on your progress (or lack thereof) by answering 3 questions:

§  1) what went well this year?

§  2) what didn’t go so well this year?

§  3) what did I learn?

o   2) 6 months later, conduct an Integrity Report

§  Reflect on your identity & how I can work toward being the type of person I wish to become:

§  1) what are the core values that drive my life and work?

§  2) How am I living and working with integrity right now?

                                §  3) How can I set a higher standard in the future?
  • Reflection and Review --> Revisit your identity
  • the tighter we cling to an identity, the harder it becomes to grow beyond it
  • ·       Keep your identity small --> Avoid making any single aspect of your identity an overwhelming portion of who you are --> the more you let a single belief define you, the less capable you are of adapting when life challenges you.

    ·       Redefine yourself so you get to keep important aspects of your identity even if your particular role changes:

    ·       E.g. “I’m a nurse” transforms to “I’m the type of person who is mentally tough, disciplined, reliable, great on a team, caring and compassionate to others, build and find creative ways to solve challenging problems on a daily basis”

    Life water flowing around an obstacle --> let your identity work with the changing circumstances

Quote from the Tao Te Ching

Men are born soft and supple;

dead, they are stiff and hard.

Plants are born tender and pliant;

dead, they are brittle and dry.

Thus whoever is stiff and inflexible

is a disciple of death.

Whoever is soft and yielding

is a discipline of life.

The hard and stiff will be broken.

The soft and supple will prevail.

-       LAO TZU

Obvious --------- invisible

Attractive -------unattractive

Easy --------------hard

Satisfying -------unsatisfying

(push your good habits to the left, and cluster the bad habits to the right)

This is a continuous process. There is no finish line.

Small habits don't add up. They compound.

Be 1% better everyday.
