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[打卡]阅读打卡第37天 (Jan 03, 2022) - Wuthering Heights

2022-01-04 06:34:04

Progress: 142


Catherine Linton died. Her departure left two men stricken with grief, two hearts shattered in irreparable pieces.


“why, she’s a liar to the end!” exclaimed Heathcliff, “I cannot live without my life! I cannot live without my soul!”. From this quote, I sensed how deep Heathcliff’s love ran for Catherine. Mr Linton sat beside Catherine’s body day and night for a whole week before the funeral, while Heathcliff lingered in the courtyard, waiting for a chance to steal a final glance at his idol. Heathcliff could be so cruel and heartless towards Miss Linton (e.g. calling her a “slut”), yet so broken and desperate when it came to Catherine. I pitied Heathcliff, for the loss of his life, and also Mr Linton, who would be following his wife very soon.


What is love? So perplexing and heart wrenching. Whacking the brain and you can’t decipher the rights and wrongs. What is life? Full of woes and sorrows, yet people endure through all the hardships just in anticipation of crossing that 1 person or 1 event, the sparkling jewel that gives life meaning to live.


With the death of her mother, Catherine generation#2 was born, 3 months pre-term.
