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[打卡]阅读打卡第11天- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fxxx!

2021-09-08 11:15:54

Progress: pg. 131


You may not be at fault for your situation, but you are ALWAYS responsible.

Remember that you are making choices every moment. Be alert for feelings of moral righteousness & Victimhood. You are responsible for how you interpret the messages you receive, how you respond emotionally, and how you act to change your situation.

There is no such thing as a perfect "right" or "wrong". You will never be perfectly right. You can only be less wrong each time you experience things. That's how you improve as you stumble through life.

"The more something threatens your identity, the more your will avoid it"

"Openness to being wrong must exist for any real change or growth to take place"


最近工作已经慢慢步上正轨了,课程也如意料中拿了全A, 生活上可不可以勇敢一点点?就尝试一点点改变,从自我舒适区迈出一小步?然后生活上会不会有正面的变化?努力鼓励自己勇敢一点儿。
