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[打卡]阅读打卡第10天- The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fxxx!

2021-09-04 12:05:23

Title: The subtle art of not giving a fxxx

Progress: pg. 86

Reflections: Our value system is influenced by the media --> the media only reports the two extremes of a continuum: either really bad or really good --> the majority of people fall in the middle --> Always remember that it is okay to be ordinary. Ordinary is the norm. Ordinary is what REALLY matters --> You are NOT special. Your problems are NOT special.You are NOT the only one.

The value of suffering lies in the cause of suffering. Suffering is inevitable. --> don't ask "how do I stop suffering?" but "WHY am I suffering -- for what purpose??" Is it worth the cause for suffering?

Your value underlies everything you are and do. Choose your values and the metrics that you use to measure success / failure. Some values and metrics are better than others.

Remember the following are shitty values:

1. Pleasure --> pleasure should be the effect of happiness, not the cause of happiness. Pleasure should occur naturally and as a byproduct of happiness.

2. Material success --> once your needs are met, additional material will not bring you more happiness.

3. Always being right --> humans are full of errors. Accept it. Make an effort to continuously improve yourself.

4. staying positive --> negative emotions are part of the feedback system. It is OK to experience negative emotions ==> "1) express them in a socially acceptable manner; 2) express them in a way that aligns with your values"
