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[打卡]阅读打卡第44天 (Jan 25, 2022) - Atomic Habits

2022-01-26 11:32:32

Progress: 183

Summary / Reflections:

Build a gateway habit, then scale it up to attain your ultimate goal
  • A handful of decisive moments shape the actions that you take for minutes or hours afterwards
  • When you make the right decision / carry out the good habits at those decisive moments, you lead the path to a positive outcome (e.g. a productive day)
  • The two-minute rule: when you start a new habit, it should take less than 2 mins to do
  •  Aim to build a gateway habit that will naturally lead you down a more productive path
  • e.g. read 1 page before bed each night
  • e.g. write 1 sentence --> write 1 paragraph --> write 1000 words --> write a 5000 word article --> write a book
  • e.g. put on your running shoes --> walk x 10 mins --> run x 10 mins each day --> marathon
  • Establish your habits before optimizing it 
  • always show up / consistently repeat your habit --> reinforces the identity that you want to build (remember duration is less important than the # of repetition!!!)
  • Establish --> then optimize / scale up!!!
  • Use commitment device to make good habits inevitable and bad habits impossible
  • commitment device: a choice that you  make in the present that controls your actions in the future (e.g. lock your phone away to control yourself from scrolling on the phone)
  • increase friction until it's practically impossible to do (e.g. delete gaming and social media apps from your phone)
  • Use technology to automate your good habits:
  •      e.g. set up automatic bill payment, enrol in an automatic savings plan
  •      e.g. reset your social media passwords --> make the passwords difficult, so that you have to look it up every time you want to access your social media 