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2022-03-16 19:39:10

WEEK 8 image DAY 3 STYMIED* BY PERSONAL SICKNESS After an extensive lecture tour in 1956, Dr. Dooley returned to Laos to set up a mobile medical unit. Because the Geneva Agreement barred the entrance of military personnel to the country, he resigned from the Navy and went to work as a civilian. That story is told in The Edge of Tomorrow. Next year, despite a growing illness, the ubiquitous Dooley turned up in the remote village of Muong Sing, attempting to thwart his traditional enemies—disease, dirt, ignorance, starvation—and hoping to quell* the spread of communism. But his trained medical eye soon told him that the pain in his chest and back was a harbinger of a malignant cancer.

ubiquitous 普遍

harbinger 预兆

malignant 恶性

thwart 阻碍
